Unit 3
Periodic Table, Bonding and Geometries
Chapter 7: Periodic Table of Elements
7.1 Development of the Periodic Table
SW describe how the modern periodic table was developed
Text or video: The genius of Mendeleev
(Problems 21-22)
7.2 Effective Nuclear Charge
7.3-5 PT Trends
Objectives: (videos below)
SW describe the patterns that emerge as a result of the organization of the periodic table and the underlying reason for these patterns (atomic radii, size of ions, electron affinity and ionization energy)
SW use these patterns to predict the properties of related elements
Videos (or text)
Problems 21-22
Helpful videos: The periodic table trends, Exceptions to the trends
7.6-7.7 M's, NM's and M'oids + trends
7.8 NM trends
Chapter 8: Chemical Bonding Basics
Presentation used for the videos8.1 Bonds, Lewis symbols, octet rule
8.2 Ionic Bonding
Objectives: (videos below)
Describe what happens during the formation of an ionic bond
Describe how electron configurations change for metals, nonmetals and transition metals during the formation of ionic bonds
Describe the process of ionic bonding and evaluate Born-Haber Cycle Diagrams to determine lattice energies
Problems 21-22
Helpful video: Born-Haber Cycle explanation
8.3 Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding
8.4 Bond Polarity
8.5 Drawing Lewis Structures
Objectives: (videos below)
SW create lewis structures for various molecules, determine the formal charges for the atoms involved and evaluate different possible lewis structures to determine which is more stable.
Problems 21-22
8.6 Resonance Structures
8.7 Exceptions to the Octet Rule
8.8 Strengths of Cov. Bonds (8.8 AND 5.8 in 14th edition)
Objectives: (videos below)
SW use bond dissociation energies to determine the enthalpy change of chemical reactions.
Problems 21-22
Ch 8 wrap up
SW have an opportunity to address any issues they have had and wrap up chapter 8
Chapter 9: Bonding Theories and Molecular Geometries
9.1-9.2 Shapes + VSEPR Model
SW apply the VSEPR Model of molecules to determine and describe the shapes of molecules.
Helpful Videos: VSEPR Model and shapes
9.3 Shape and polarity
SW determine the polarity of molecules based on their shapes determined by the VSEPR model.
Helpful Videos: Shape and polarity
9.4 Covalent Bonding and Orbital Overlap
SW describe bonding between atoms in terms of orbital overlap
9.5 Hybrid orbitals
SW describe what happens during hybridization and determine the hybridization present in various molecules
Helpful Video: Hybridization and Orbital overlap (Also goes a little bit into the next topic: Multiple bonds)
Emp. Formula of MgClx lab
SW experimentally determine the empirical formula of Magnesium Chloride
9.6 Multi. Bonds
SW multiple bonds in terms of sigma and pi bonds, as well as the effect delocalized pi bonds has on the structure of the molecule and determining when they occur.
Helpful Video: Visualizing Multiple Bonds
Problems 21-22
9.7 molecular orbitals
SW explain bonding in terms of molecular orbital theory.
SW determine bond order and draw molecular orbital diagrams for diatomic molecules
Optional videos: Instructional Videos Playlist
Problems 21-22
9.8 2nd row Diatomic molecules
SW accurately create molecular orbital diagrams for second row diatomic molecules
SW determine if a molecule is diamagnetic or paramagnetic and describe the properties of each.
Problems 21-22
SW apply VSEPR theory to determine the molecular shape, polarity and hybridization of various molecules.