Escape Room!

The Evil Mr. Schmonohue, the terror of Schmiddletown, has set his sights on the up and coming Forensics stars. Bent on only having the very best opponents, he has locked you up in one of his dungeons with a way out; your forensics expertise! Use your knowledge of forensics to determine the keycode needed to get out of the dungeon. Parts of the code will be determined by solving multiple puzzles and putting them all together.

[Manner of death][Cause of Death][Mechanism of death][Rigor][Livor][Algor][Overall][Type][6 minutiae][hair analysis]

Medicolegal Analysis

A man is found dead on a fishing boat in the ocean with a knife through their heart, laying facedown. There is discoloration on the front of the body which is fixed in place and rigor has begun. Their internal body temperature is 88 degrees Fahrenheit. There is still a fishing pole in the water and a cooler full of food and water.

The first 3 letters of the code will be the corresponding letters for the Manner, Cause and Mechanism of death from the options below, in that order.

a. Accidental

b. Asphyxiation

c. Blunt force trauma

d. Cardiac Failure

e. Fishing

f. Head trauma

g. Heart attack

h. Homicide

i. Hyperthermia

j. Natural

k. Stab wound

l. Suicide

m. Sun exposure

Based on the condition of the body, what is a possible PMI based on rigor mortis? The number will be the 4th character(s) on the code:

1hr 5hrs 10hrs 48hrs

Based on the condition of the body, what is a possible PMI based on Livor mortis? The number will be the 5th character(s) on the code:

1hr 2hrs 5hrs 48hrs

Based on the condition of the body, what is a possible PMI based on algor mortis? The number will be the 6th character(s) on the code:

3hrs 7hrs 10hrs 24hrs

Which of the following times is the best determination of the final PMI? The number will be the 7th character(s) in the code:

3 hrs 7hrs 12hrs 24hrs

The code so far should be [Manner of death][Cause of Death][Mechanism of death][Rigor][Livor][Algor][Overall]

Fingerprint Analysis

The next sequence of the code will be determined by fingerprint analysis. The first letter corresponds to the first letter of the fingerprint type (Loop, whorl, arch) and the rest of the letters are determined by identifying the minutiae in the image, following the arrows, using the first letter of each type. (bifurcation, crossover, delta, island, lake, ridge ending). This should add 7 more letters to your passcode. [Manner of death][Cause of Death][Mechanism of death][Rigor][Livor][Algor][Overall][Type][6 minutiae]

Hair Analysis

The final characters of the code depend on your knowledge of forensics hair analysis. Use the word bank to accurately label the image, using the letter option as the next character(s) in the passcode.

a. anagen

b. cortex

c. cuticle

d. medulla

e. scaling pattern

f. telogen

[Manner of death][Cause of Death][Mechanism of death][Rigor][Livor][Algor][Overall][Type][6 minutiae][hair analysis]