Unit 9

Soil, Paint and Glass

Period 4 Calendar

Period 6 Calendar

Unit Investigation and Testimony

15.1: Physical properties and measurement:

Physical properties and measurement: SW describe physical and chemical properties of matter including density, buoyancy, color, conductivity and ductility.

15.4 Paint

Paint: SW describe the composition of paint, explain how it can be used in a forensic investigation including the test that are performed and the underlying principles upon which they operate.

15.2 Soil

Soil: SW describe the properties of soil, how it is formed, its utility in a forensic investigation and determine the type of soil from testing. 

15.3 Glass and Plastic

Glass and plastic: SW describe the composition and properties of glass as well as describe how they can be used in a forensic investigation including the tests that can be performed and the underlying principles upon which they operate.

Drug Research Project


Drug Research Project 16-17

You will be researching a drug or poison, creating a presentation, publishing it to the internet and presenting it to the class. We will compile a single location for everyone to access this work so that you all have it as a reference.

Things to include in your research:

Your final product:

You are going to create a 6-10 minutes presentation using google slides that is going to be shared with the class. We are going to create a class resource that we will use throughout the year in our quest to solve cases. 

You will also create 3 multiple choice questions related to your particular topic. Focus on what you think is important about your topic and what may be important to a forensic investigator as they investigate a case.

Here is the rubric for the presentation:

Topics for research (You can pick yours, but I may change it to ensure that both drugs and poisons get covered)



Have one that you would like to add to the list? Let me know!


In order to avoid redundant presentations, you are required to submit a topic proposal to me so that I may make sure no one is doing the same topic. In the instance of people having proposed the same topic, preference will be given to the student that submitted it on time. If both were submitted on time, rock-paper-scissors will decide in a best 2 of 3 match, which will be officiated by the teacher. Rules will be clarified before the contest.

Topic proposal requirements:

Email your proposal to me