Unit 4

Blood and DNA

Period 4 Calendar

Period 6 Calendar

Chapter 6: Biochemical Forensic Analysis II: Serology

6.1+2 Biochemical Analysis, Blood and immunoassay

  • Objectives: SW explain the significance of blood, its role in the body and its role in forensics. SW describe the history behind blood testing and detail the complex composition of blood. SW describe the various types of blood tests that are used in forensics and the scientific basis for how they work (presumptive and confirmatory, kastle-meyer tests, luminol, immunoassay, EMIT and ELISA, RIA, Blood typing)

  • Research

  • Practice

  • Investigate

    • ID minimum number of sources of blood, exclude non-blood stains. (Fill out and submit a blood typing request form)

6.3 Blood pattern analysis (BPA)

  • Objectives: SW classify examples of blood spatter into their appropriate types, explain what can be deduced from them, analyze blood spatter to determine the angle of impact and determine direction of the source, and how to properly collect and preserve blood spatter evidence.

  • Research

  • Practice

  • Investigate

    • Recreate the events at the crime scene as best as possible

6.4 Serology and other Biological Fluids

  • Objectives: SW explain the role of other biological fluids in a forensic investigation, including saliva, semen, urine, sweat, bile and vitreous humor

  • Research

  • Investigate: Analyze any other biological fluids of interest

Chapter 5: Biochemical Forensic Analysis I: DNA

Labon 5.1+2 The Genetic Record and How DNA works

  • Objectives: SW understand the basic history behind DNA analysis and when it became a part of criminal investigations. SW describe the structure of DNA, how it codes for genes, how proteins are made, and become fluent in all related vocabulary

  • Research

  • Investigate

5.3 Forensic Applications of DNA

  • Objectives: SW explain the characteristics, benefits and drawbacks of and differences between the different types of DNA analysis, including RFLP, PCR, STR, mini-STR and SNP. SW apply statistics to DNA analysis to quantify the significance of the results.

5.4 mDNA and Y Chromosomal Typing

  • Objective: SW describe the process of mDNA typing, Y-chromosome typing, and plant & animals DNA testing, what information can be gained from them, and the benefits and drawbacks of each technique.

  • Research

  • Investigate: Continue your investigation, requesting tests for any relevant information and find your suspect!

5.5 DNA Databanks: CODIS and Beyond

  • Objectives: SW describe what information has been compiled in CODIS, how it is used, and consider the ethics surrounding collection of DNA information from people.

  • Research: Notes

  • Investigate: Wrap up your investigations