Unit 3

How to 'Science' in the Legal System

Period 4 Calendar

Period 6 Calendar

Chapter 1: Introduction to Forensic Science: Introduction, Historic Development, and Legal Roles of Forensic Science

Marking period 1 Project

Student presentations: Audience Feedback

1.1 introduction to forensic science

  • Objectives

  • SW Describe what forensic science and criminalistics is, its role, what the Frye and Daubert cases established,

1.2 brief history of forensic science

  • Objectives

  • SW Describe how forensic science has developed throughout history to its present state.

  • SW Describe what is and the significance of locard’s exchange principle

  • 1.2 Notes

  • Poster activity for the major contributors (Alphonse Bertillon, Francis Galton, Henry Goddard, Alexandre Lacassagne, Edmond Lochard, Matheau Orfila, Arthur Conan doyle)

1.3 crime detection in literature

  • Objectives:

  • SW Explain what the CSI effect is and it’s impact on criminal investigations and proceeding trials

1.4 dynamic duo of principles (locards and individuality)

  • Objectives:

  • SW Explain the significance of Locard’s exchange principle and the principle of individuality.

1.5 legal precedent of science in the courtroom

  • Objectives

  • S.W. explain the details and significance of the Frye, Daubert, Joiner, and Kumho Tire court cases and the precedents they have set.

  • Extra Credit: Take 10 of the bullets from the Graphic organizer activity and create a kahoot game for it (have the bullet be the question, the 4 options being the 4 court cases) and send it my way. We will use it to review at the end of the unit.

Chapter 2: Crime Scene Investigations

2.1 Crime Scene Evidence

  • Objectives

  • S.W. Describe the different types of evidence, the difference between: probative and prejudicial, Comparison and identification analysis, and class evidence and individual evidence,

2.2 Legal Evidence

  • Objectives

  • S.W. interpret the 4th amendment, its significance in forensic investigations, describe when a warrant is required and when warrantless searches ARE legal and when evidence is inadmissible in court (Exclusionary rule, fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine, plain view doctrine).

  • SW describe the circumstances surrounding and the significance of Mincy v. Arizona and Michigan v Tyler

2.3 The Evidence Collection and the evidence team

  • Objectives

  • S.W. follow the proper steps for processing a crime scene, collecting and storing various types of evidence and establishing a chain of custody

  • S.W. describe the different roles individuals play in processing a crime scene and their responsibilities.

