Virtual Investigation

Period 4 Calendar

Period 6 Calendar

The Assignment

Virtual Investigation!

The big idea behind this assignment is that you are going to create a stand-alone virtual investigation. Something an ‘investigator’ could pick up and complete on their own with out you needing to be the ‘dungeon master’. The investigation will need to have investigators expertly interpret forensic evidence (or other material you learned in the course) in order to solve the investigation/mystery. You can find a completed example on this website as a reference. I have outlined the process for you and your group members to follow below during the creation of your investigation;

Once we have compiled all the investigations, you will have time to complete your peers projects!

Student Handout


Group Member Names:


Steps 1-5: 2/24

Step 6: 4/26

Step 7-10: 5/2

Investigation of Peers Projects: 5/3

Once we have turned in and compiled the virtual investigations, you will have time to complete the ones your peers have created!

Virtual Investigations 2022-2023

Please make a copy of this presentation for the evaluation forms and to show evidence of your progress

Virtual Investigations 2021-2022

Here you will find the submitted investigations from your peers! See how well you can do!